Merlin of Mines - Space Engineers

A set of useful scripts for aspiring Space Engineers!

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Thruster Block Handler

This Block Handler governs all thruster types (Atmospheric, Ion, Hydrogen).

Default Primitive Properties:

Default Directional Properties

“Enabled” Property

Enables or Disables the given block

#Enable Block
enable "My Thruster"
set "My Thruster" to enabled
turn on "My Thruster"

#Disable Block
disable "My Thruster"
set "My Thruster" to disabled
turn off "My Thruster"

“Power” Property

Turns on or off power to the block. Effectively the same as the Enabled property.

#Turn on
turn on power to "My Thruster"
power on "My Thruster"

#Turn off
turn off "My Thruster"
power off "My Thruster"

“Limit” Property

Gets/Sets the Maximum Thrust Limit for the thruster, in Newtons. When retrieving, returns the maximum possible thrust.

When setting, this sets a thrust override to the supplied value.

Print "Max Thrust: " + "My Thruster" limit

#10000 Newtons
set "My Thruster" limit to 10000

“Level” Property

Gets/Sets the current thrust from the thruster, in Newtons.

When setting, if the value is set to 0 then thrust overrides are turned off.

Print "Current Thrust: " + "My Thruster" level

#Override thrust to 10000 Newtons
set "My Thruster" level to 10000

“Output” Property

Same as Level property. Gets/Sets the current thrust from the thruster, in Newtons.

When setting, if the value is set to 0 then thrust overrides are turned off.

Print "Current Output: " + "My Thruster" output

#Override thrust to 10000 Newtons
set "My Thruster" output to 10000

“Override” Property

Gets/Sets the ThrustOverride for the thruster, in Newtons. Returns 0 if no thrust override is set. If set to 0, turns off Thrust Overrides.

Print "Thrust Override: " + "My Thruster" override

#Override thrust to 10000 Newtons
set "My Thruster" override to 10000

“Ratio” Property

Gets/Sets the current thrust override, as a percentage. Values are expected to be between 0 - 1, with 1 = 100% Thrust Override.

Setting to 0 turns off thrust overrides.

Print "Thrust Percentage: " + "My Thrust" percentage

#50% power
set "My Thruster" percent to 0.5