Merlin of Mines - Space Engineers

A set of useful scripts for aspiring Space Engineers!

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Solar Panel Block Handler

This Block Handler handles Solar Panels. It can be used to turn on/off the Solar Panel and get information about its energy output

While there is no Block Type Group word for Soloar Panels, the keyword “panels” implies you are referring to a group. So the following will turn on all Solar Panels in the “My Solar Panels” group.

turn on "My Solar Panels" 

Default Primitive Properties:

“Enabled” Property

Enables or Disables the given block

#Enable Block
enable "My Solar Panel"
set "My Solar Panel" to enabled
turn on "My Solar Panel"

#Disable Block
disable "My Solar Panel"
set "My Solar Panel" to disabled
turn off "My Solar Panel"

“Power” Property

Turns on or off power to the block. Effectively the same as the Enabled property.

#Turn on
turn on power to "My Solar Panel"
power on "My Solar Panel"

#Turn off
turn off "My Solar Panel"
power off "My Solar Panel"

“Output” Property

Gets the current energy output, in MW.

Print "Energy Output: " + "My Solar Panel" output

“Limit” Property

Gets the maximum energy output the solar is capable of, in MW.

Print "Maximum Output: " + "My Solar Panel" limit

“Ratio” Property

Returns a value between 0 - 1 representing the current output over the maximum output.

Print "Output Ratio: " + "My Solar Panel" ratio