Merlin of Mines - Space Engineers

A set of useful scripts for aspiring Space Engineers!

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Rotor Block Handler

Default Primitive Properties:

Default Directional Properties

“Enabled” Property

Enables or Disables the given block

#Enable Block
enable "My Rotor"
set "My Rotor" to enabled
turn on "My Rotor"

#Disable Block
disable "My Rotor"
set "My Rotor" to disabled
turn off "My Rotor"

“Power” Property

Turns on or off power to the block. Effectively the same as the Enabled property.

#Turn on
turn on power to "My Rotor"
power on "My Rotor"

#Turn off
turn off "My Rotor"
power off "My Rotor"

“Angle” Property

Gets or sets the rotor’s angle. When setting, takes an optional direction (Clockwise, Counterclockwise) indicating the direction to move the rotor to get to the desired angle.

Setting the rotor’s angle is done by calculating the appropriate min/max angle, and then setting the rotor’s velocity to +/- velocity to move the rotor to the desired angle. If no direction is passed, the rotor uses the shortest angular distance to determine which direction to rotate.

This property can also be moved in order to to rotate the rotor clockwise or counterclockwise without specifying the limits.

Supported Directions

Clockwise - Rotate Clockwise Counterclockwise - Rotate Counterclockwise

#Get the rotor's angle
Print "Rotor Angle: " + "My Rotor" angle

#Set the rotor's angle to 30 taking the shortest path
rotate "My Rotor" angle clockwise to 30

#Set the rotor's angle clockwise to 30
rotate "My Rotor" angle clockwise to 30

#Rotate the rotor counterclockwise to 30
rotate "My Rotor" angle counterclockwise to 30

#Rotate the rotor clockwise
rotate "My Rotor" clockwise

#Rotate the rotor counterclockwise
rotate "My Rotor" counterclockwise

“Velocity” Property

Get/Sets the Rotors’s angular velocity, in RPM.

#Get the Rotor Velocity
Print "Current Velocity: " + "My Rotor" velocity

#Set the Rotor Velocity
set "My Rotor" velocity to 5

“Limit” Property

Get/Sets the Piston’s upper/lower limits, in degrees. Takes in an optional direction to indicate whether you are getting or setting the upper or lower limit. If no direction is specified, the upper limit is used.

Supported Directions

#Get the upper Limit
Print "Upper Limit: " + "My Rotor" upper limit

#Get the lower limit
Print "Lower Limit: " + "My Rotor" lower limit

#set the upper limit
set "My Rotor" upper limit to 6

#Set the lower limit
set "My Rotor" lower limit to 4

“Height” Property

Gets/Sets the Rotor’s displacement, in meters.

#Get the Rotor Displacement
Print "Rotor Height: " + "My Rotor" height

#Set the Rotor Displacement
set "My Rotor" height to 0.4

“Lock” Property

Gets/Sets whether the rotor is locked, meaning whether it will move or not.

#Get whether rotor is locked
Print "Rotor Locked: " + "My Rotor" is locked

lock "My Rotor"
unlock "My Rotor"

“Connected” Property

Gets/Sets whether the rotor’s top part is attached.

if "My Rotor" is detached
  Print "I guess I blew my top..."

#Attach/Detach rotor head
attach "My Rotor"
detach "My Rotor"

“Strength” Property

Gets/Sets the rotor’s torque, in Nm

Print "Current Torque: " + "My Rotor" torque

#Set torque to 33MNm
set "My Rotor" torque to 33000000