Merlin of Mines - Space Engineers

A set of useful scripts for aspiring Space Engineers!

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Control a Crane-Like Drill Arm With Mouse and Keyboard

Imagine you want to build a ground-based vehicle with a crane-arm for drilling, and we want to be able to have a cockpit for the crane that lets the engineer rotate it, raise and lower the arm, and extend it. Something like this:

Drillbert, the Ground Vehicle with a Crane Drill

Writing a script in EasyCommands to control the above is as easy as:

set drillCockpit to "[DB] Drill Cockpit"
set rotationSensitivity to 0.25
async controlDrill

set the "[DB] Drill Rotor" velocity to (rotationSensitivity * $drillCockpit right roll)
set the "[DB] Drill Middle Hinge" velocity to (rotationSensitivity * $drillCockpit downwards roll)
set the "[DB] Drill Bottom Piston" velocity to the $drillCockpit forwards input
set the "[DB] Drill Middle Pistons" velocity to the $drillCockpit clockwise roll
set the "[DB] Drill Front Hinge" velocity to the $drillCockpit upwards input
set the "[DB] Drill Front Piston" velocity to the $drillCockpit right input

Let’s break down how this script works:

set drillCockpit to "[DB] Drill Cockpit"
set rotationSensitivity to 0.25

First, we set up our main function. It doesn’t need to be called main - whatever the first function is will be considered the main one, and that’ll be invoked by default by the Programmable Block.

This main function sets a variable for the drill cockpit name, as we use that many times later, and then also sets a variable for the rotation sensitivity - this is just a multiplier so that our drill arm doesn’t move TOO fast.

async controlDrill

Then, the main function invokes controlDrill in its own thread. This allows controlDrill to do whatever it needs to do without blocking the main program.

set the "[DB] Drill Rotor" velocity to (rotationSensitivity * $drillCockpit right roll)
set the "[DB] Drill Middle Hinge" velocity to (rotationSensitivity * $drillCockpit downwards roll)
set the "[DB] Drill Bottom Piston" velocity to the $drillCockpit forwards input
set the "[DB] Drill Middle Pistons" velocity to the $drillCockpit clockwise roll
set the "[DB] Drill Front Hinge" velocity to the $drillCockpit upwards input
set the "[DB] Drill Front Piston" velocity to the $drillCockpit right input

The controlDrill function is constantly replaying itself, so its always (every tick) updating the velocity of our rotor, hinges, and pistons based on the user’s input. Note us using roll to indicate the camera (e.g. mouse, or arrow keys), and input to indicate movement (e.g. WASD). A rough breakdown of what this means specifically:

We can obviously mix and match these however we like!

Note that the choice of which direction we specify (e.g. forwards input vs. backwards input) tells us the sign of the velocity. e.g. forwards input would mean that when we press w, we’re increasinge velocity, and decreasing with s. If we specified backwards input, it’d behave in the reverse.

Enjoy your new drill arm!